Chaos Crew

Chaos Crew

Monday, January 28, 2008

Skye's AKC weekend at Latigo

We played agility at Latigo this weekend with a number of the FAADers too.

Our weave entry issues have crept back in, so I will be back to doing more weave training. I thought I had this cured a month ago for the USDAA trial but Skye says no....

On the plus side, since Open does allow for a weave fault, we still managed to get 2 more JWW Q's (1st & 2nd place) and earn our Open Jumpers title and are moving into Excellent A!

Our standard runs didn't represent our best work this weekend... 2 NQ's with a teeter flyoff, botched weave entries, skipped jump and a tunnel refusal. AF and dogwalk contacts were nice, table was good, and we had decent speed, but didn't have it all together in Standard. Next time watch out!

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