Chaos Crew

Chaos Crew

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I'm Back!

Welcome 2014!
I have been an awful blogger and stopped posting right as things got interesting - I had picked my puppy from the litter I wrote about back in March 2013, and have spent the next 8 months with my fabulous Envy puppy, who is now 10 months old.
She is learning agility and doing great. I plan on keeping up with my blog this year. I had been putting regular updates on Facebook, but those really just disappear and get lost in the shuffle.

Rather than a big long description to catch up, I've just included a bunch of pictures from the past 10 months or so. I hope there are still a few people who might have a look at my blog!


Pretty 'frosting' on the trees to start winter

Here is Envy at 10 months old. She's a beauty.

Envy 'dancing' for her Christmas picture.

Rip giving me a goofy look for his Christmas picture.

Skye and Envy hanging out in the heat of summer.

Envy helping replace the flooring in our bedroom.

Handsome Rip boy.

Skye had these tires for sale on Craigslist.

Replaced a couple old wood windows with new vinyl in the bedroom.

Envy at about 5 months.

Skye checking to see where the rabbit went.

Rip practicing a different kind of agility.

Skye chilling out in the shade.

Envy loves to catch weeds and run with them.

Late spring snow gave Skye something to play in.

Awful Black Forest fire that took 500+ homes was too close for comfort.

Envy loves to steal the frisbee from Skye. You can see she started this very young!

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