Chaos Crew

Chaos Crew

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fire Alarm Practice aka USDAA Loveland

We went to the annual USDAA trial in Loveland again this year and were greeted by a warm (81 degrees) windy Saturday followed by a coldfront with snow on Sunday.
Maybe 15 minutes into the trial, Ice was running Gamblers when the fire alarms went off in the arena. Katrina ended up finishing the run as the buzzer had gone off signaling time to do the gamble, and Ice got it, and we grabbed the dogs and went outside with everyone. Seems a burned batch of popcorn at the concession stand was the culprit.
If that wasn't "fun" enough, on Sunday morning at the hotel, at about 6:50am, I had taken Skye and Rip out to the truck so that we could pack up the room. While I was out there, the fire alarms went off at the hotel! I was really glad that my timing was such that my dogs didnt have to hear that (Rip would have absolutely FREAKED I am sure). However, my cardkey would not let me back into the room, so Katrina came out on her own with Baby and Ice shortly after - they were not too happy, but we were at least the closest hotel room to the exit.

So, aside from that, we had a really successful showing at the trial.

Rip managed to get his first Advanced Standard Q, along with a coveted Grand Prix Q, a Master Gamblers Q and a Master Snooker Q! He would have had a Steeplechase Q as well if I didnt push him and cause a jumped AF contact.

Skye got two Q's in P3 Standard, a Q in P3 Pairs, a Q in P3 Jumpers and another Super Q in Snooker.

Rip knocked only 2 bars this weekend - one in our first run, an Adv. Standard where you had to call for the AF/Tunnel discrimination and I must have called over the bar. The other bar came in his last run, Adv. Jumpers when he hit the top of the triple.  He hit all contacts except when I pushed too much in Steeplechase.
Rip's weave speed is really hit or miss. I will be doing much more weave practice for speed. I am waiting for him to 'click' with his footwork - that is what is keeping his speed down, as he is not consistent with footwork and sometimes appears to be stumbling over himself through the weaves. He *can* single-step them - I've seen it in practice and on rare occasion in competition.

Skye ran very well for the most part, and though our Q's were almost always 1st places, I know he was not giving me all the speed he can. He had a 'duh' moment in Gamblers when I attempted to send him to a jump/tunnel and he veered off to the right. Whaa? Not sure what he thought I was saying. In his Standard run on Saturday, he bashed his chin when jumping up on the table. It makes me cringe a bit watching the video, though he finished the run with a Q & 2nd?!?. The following run was Grand Prix and he fell off the dogwalk at the start of the downplank, so that wasnt so good. We still need 2 Grand Prix legs for Nationals.

Here are some of the videos - the camera was acting up this weekend, so I dont have video of some runs, and some I just dont feel like posting :)

Rip did great in his first ever Master Snooker run - only 1 point away from a Super Q. I had 7 seconds left and could have gone for the 4th red (easy to say in hindsight!)

Advanced Jumpers - pretty good run with 1 bar. I thought it ran well up till the last couple jumps that went wide.

Master Gamblers - a Q, though slow in the weaves and he popped his first set of poles.

Adv. Standard - this is the Q run - I made him stick his contacts. Pretty good run on a very long course.

Adv. Standard - the NQ due to the bar before discrimination. I was happy with this run.


Standard - Q and 1st place

Snooker - Super Q and 1st place. Same plan I ran for Rip, though Rip did it 3 seconds faster.

Jumpers - Q and 1st place

Standard - Q and 2nd place. This is the run where he smashed his face on the table. You've been warned ;)

Pairs - Q and 2nd I think. Skye knocked a bar in this one.


Elayne said...

Oh poor Katrina, I was wondering who the dog in the other ring was that had to deal with the sirens. Luckily the last dog in the class had just finished her run in our ring. Strum was crated in the car so he missed all the excitement.

Looks like you had a lot of nice runs with both dogs.

Greg S said...

Thanks Elayne. It was kind-of funny when the alarms went off, Katrina looked at the judge, and he just shrugged, like "I dont know whats going on" so she just continued and he continued judging!

kiwichick said...

You had some very nice runs Greg!